T&C | Waiver

All parents must read through the following terms and conditions before signing. Please be aware that once you have signed the waiver, you fully agree and understand the policies and procedures as a condition to your child being allowed to participate in Tuck & Tumble classes.


Classes: All students will be assigned a regular class schedule and they are expected and committed to participate in throughout the school year. Students are only allowed to participate during their scheduled class. Students cannot bring their siblings/friends to participate in their class, unless they are also enrolled in the same class. If the student is absent during their scheduled class, there will be no refunds or tuition discounts available. However, each student will be able to schedule one make up class a month if they are sick have to miss their regular class. This is to be set up with Tuck & Tumble management. Please do not ask to make up a class if the student chooses to miss class because of another event. Make ups are only for sick students.

Tuition Payments: Tuition is due by the first class of each month. Tuition that is past due will be considered LATE and a $15 fee will be added to that month’s tuition. All payments must be made through the Parent Portal linked to our website. If you would like to pay for months in advance, you are welcome to do so. No refunds will be issued due to any circumstances other than severe prolonged illness or injury. If you choose to resign in the middle of the month, you will still pay for that current month’s tuition. If you choose to resign from a class during the middle of the season, please let us know before the 1st of the next month, so we can plan ahead. Team students who resign will not get a refund on their performance fee. All students who do not give us notice before the 1st, will be asked you pay a $10 cancellation fee.

Safety: At Tuck & Tumble we will strive to provide a safe and positive environment for all students at all times. We will be sure our coaches teach skills in proper progressions to ensure students safety. All considerations will be made due to the child’s needs. Instructors will be the deciding factor when students are ready to perform at a higher skill level. Please be aware that no parents or siblings will be allowed on the tumbling mats during any class for the safety of the students. If a student gets injured during a tumbling class, we want you to know we will access the situation and give the best advice on how to go forward, however please know we are not doctors so if serious, additional professional assessment may be recommended. We will do our best to avoid this at all costs. We would also like you to know that participating in a environment with multiple kids and coaches can lead to a risk passing germs and getting sick. Please note that you are choosing to have your child participate, and we are not responsible if they do catch any illnesses.

Dress code: Please make sure your child comes dressed ready to tumble. Modest clothing is encouraged. It is important the students are dressed in comfortable clothing that will not get in the way during tumbling. This also includes students with long hair: make sure hair is tied up and out of the face. We recommend students wear leotards, tank tops, spots bras, spandex, shorts, leggings, etc. No jeans, zippers, or baggy clothing are allowed. Please avoid wearing loose fit tops to they do not come up when preforming tumbling skills such as handstands and bridges. This is all for the safety of the students. 

Assumption of Risk: I/we give our permission for the below named student(s) to participate in tumbling, realizing that there are risks of physical injury to the participant(s).  Considering all personal risks, on behalf of myself and the participant(s), I voluntarily waive, release, discharge, and hold harmless Rachel Scurr, Tuck & Tumble LLC, its employees, instructors, supervisors, and volunteers from all claims, including those of negligence, for all injuries to participant(s), no matter how severe.